is an ESRC-DFID funded project that aims to build evidence to support an equitable improvement in newborn and maternal health in Asia and Africa. The project will run between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2014.
Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has been highly uneven. Poor and otherwise disadvantaged groups lag behind their more fortunate compatriots for most MDGs. To make things worse, effective interventions are known, but rarely reach those who need them most. Unfortunately, little is known about how to effectively reach poor and otherwise disadvantaged groups, and how to address socio-economic inequalities in mortality.
EquiNaM uses an integrated approach to support an equitable improvement in newborn and maternal health by (i) generating evidence using high-quality data and randomised controlled trials and (ii) learning from and engaging with stakeholders to support the uptake of our newly generated evidence base.
What we do
EquiNaM builds evidence to support an equitable improvement in newborn and maternal health. In particular, we generate evidence on: (1) how socio-economic inequalities translate into inequalities in newborn and maternal mortality within countries; (2) how to address the exclusion of poor and otherwise marginalised groups from efforts to achieve the MDGs; and (3) how to reduce socio-economic inequalities in newborn and maternal and newborn mortality. Read more...
Stakeholder engagement
We actively engage with and learn from stakeholders, drawing on their experiential evidence regarding what works to ensure an equitable improvement of newborn and maternal health. Through ongoing engagement activities, we also seek to increase the awareness among those in power of the problem of large inequalities in maternal and newborn mortality and how best to address this problem. Read more…
Pillars of our work
EquiNaM builds on a global network of demographic surveillance sites that provides some of the largest population-bases of prospectively collected data for maternal and newborn mortality studies in low and middle income countries. Read more…
Randomized controlled trials of participatory women’s group interventions in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malawi will be re-analysed to evaluate the equity impact of community mobilisation. Read more...
Expert Network
Our network of international experts combines cutting-edge research with in-depth field experience and a high profile in policy making and translating research into practice. Read more....
Funded by
RC Grant reference: ES/I033572/1